
Nutrition chat with Malissa Fedele

Nutrition chat with Malissa Fedele

October 14th, 2020BlogNo Comments »

I gets lots of nutritional based questions on instargam and although I have some basic qualifications through my cert 3 fitness, I always feel reluctant giving specific advice. Cue the expert! I thought I would call on the knowledge of Clinical Nutritionist Malissa Fedele to answer some of the most common questions I get asked.   &nb...

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That one time at Base Camp…

That one time at Base Camp…

April 29th, 2019BlogNo Comments »

If Everest Base Camp isn’t already on your bucket list - I highly recommend popping it on there now. The journey is filled with breathtaking nature, inspires comradeship and will provide the biggest sense of achievement after an intense physical challenge. What more could you want?! We chose a 15 day tour with Intrepid as we had limi...

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Getting Back on Track

Getting Back on Track

March 18th, 2018BlogNo Comments »

I'm all about 'treating yo-self' but after a holiday or festive period, I feel like I get into a routine of it and before I know it, it's become the norm. It is obviously not intentional but I find myself making bad food choices, serving myself larger portion sizes, and overall eating more in a day than I need to. After a very relaxing Christmas an...

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25 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self

25 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self

October 15th, 2017BlogNo Comments »

1. Educate yourself on nutrition and eat to nourish your body not to punish it 2. You don't have to kill yourself to exercise. Be gentle and kind to your body. Train for function, not how you look. Train to be strong and fit 3. A good OP is great but don't kill yourself at school. Find a balance 4. Find out what you love and make a car...

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Love your guts

Love your guts

July 15th, 2017BlogNo Comments »

Firstly, don’t you just hate the word ‘diet’. I do. It screams 'unmaintainable' and I just know that for me personally as soon as I tell myself I can't have something - I want it. Instead of being on a diet I like to think of it as making 'smart food choices’. Today I’m going to share the 'smart food choices' I've been making for the l...

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Switching Off

Switching Off

May 27th, 2017BlogNo Comments »

Being time poor, I’ve started adding some small things into my routine that have helped me make the most of my down time, and have me feeling re-energised and re-charged. These little things have made a big difference to my body, mind, and spirit, and I hope they do for you as well… Bed is a phone free zone There is evidence to sugges...

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My Bircher Muesli

My Bircher Muesli

April 2nd, 2017BlogNo Comments »

I am literally obsessed with this breakfast - maybe you’ve seen it once or twice on my insta story?! Not only does it taste amazing but it’s super easy to make and keeps me full for ages. I actually don’t measure anything except the oats and milk when I make my bircher so you’ll notice words like ‘sprinkle’ or &l...

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A day in the life of me

A day in the life of me

March 19th, 2017BlogNo Comments »

I thought the best way to answer all the questions I get about how much much I exercise, what I eat, and what I do on a daily basis was to share ‘a day in the life of me’! ​ Example of my Wednesday’s 5:15am: wake up, brush teeth, wash face, and get dressed for my first class. It’s a hot pilates class so I don&rsquo...

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Stress Less

Stress Less

February 5th, 2017BlogNo Comments »

The effects of stress on the body are quite frightening - irregular periods, infertility, high blood pressure, headaches, and irregular sleep to name a few. I remember a time when I would literally feel sick at the thought of going to work and I’m pretty sure I self diagnosed myself with anxiety at some stage. I had restless sleeps, panic at...

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The pursuit of happiness

The pursuit of happiness

October 30th, 2016BlogNo Comments »

I've received numerous messages and comments on my Instagram and Snapchat over the last year or so saying how happy I look. Obviously I'm not skipping around 24/7... but I'd say I come pretty close! I haven't always been though. Those of you who have been following me for a while will know that I had an eating disorder in high school and that last...

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Essential Rhythm by Lululemon

Essential Rhythm by Lululemon

September 18th, 2016BlogNo Comments »

I had the pleasure of attending the launch of The Essential Rhythm collection from Lululemon at the beautiful Barre Body studio last week. I spent the afternoon surrounded by gorgeous and passionate women, dressed in the most stylish and comfortable clothes, working out and nibbling on delicious treats by Kiss The Berry. That’s a perfect afternoo...

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