Healthy Travels

January 3rd, 2016BlogNo Comments »

I just got back from an amazing five days is Melbourne. I visited the Melbourne Zoo, celebrated New Years at Harbourside Docklands, shopped the Victoria Markets and saw The Illusionists at The Arts Centre.

I love exploring new places (I haven’t been to Melbourne since I was a kid!) and trying new things, but I also like to keep relatively on track in terms of health and fitness even when I’m away from home.

Trip to Melbourne

Here are some tips that may help you come back from holidays feeling good, but won’t stop you from having a good time!

Pack your vitamins

I always take a zip lock bag with all of my vitamins counted out for however many days I need. This means I don’t have to pack heaps of containers and I can stay on track with my dosages. Note: if you are travelling overseas make sure you pack your vitamins in checked luggage.

Pack snacks

I like to take protein bars, nuts, healthy muesli bars and packet bliss balls with me when I travel (or pick some up when I arrive) so I have some healthy snack options readily available.

Passive exercise

I try and walk everywhere! Walking is great exercise and most of the time it doesn’t even feel like it! I bypass the cabs and Ubers for anything that’s a half hour walk or less. I wear comfy shoes and take other shoes in my handbag to change into if I need. Walking is also a great way to take in a new place. It’s amazing what you stumble across when you’re in amongst it!

Make wise food choices

Obviously food is a big part of a holiday and eating out is inevitable when you are away from home, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat unhealthily. I opt for sushi or salads for lunch and meat or fish and veggies for dinner and these sorts of options are available on pretty much any menu. Do your research and find what is available close to your accomodation. You can always suggest certain places to your family or friends. 

Book accomodation with kitchen facilities

Eating out for every meal and for extended periods of time can be unhealthy and costly! Try and book accomodation with a kitchenette so you can prepare basic meals like breakfast and lunch. I pop down to the local supermarket and grab some fresh fruit, oats, coconut milk, and sometimes a cooked chicken and those pre-made salads. You can whip up some basic healthy breakfast and lunch essentials in no time!

At the markets with fresh produce

Try a new exercise class

Being in a new city or country can also mean new and exciting workout options. Do your research prior to your trip and see what kind of gyms or studios are around you. Maybe boxing, pilates, yoga etc. – try something you haven’t done before. There is always time for a quick half/hour class and it can be fun to take your friends/family along. 

Carry a water bottle

When you’re busy and on the go it’s easy to forget to hydrate! I always carry a water bottle with me to sip on. Most public places have water fountains or similar for you to refill on the go.

What are your tips for staying healthy while you travel?

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